Publication in the conference proceedings 2025
We offer to publish the accepted contributions as articles in the conference proceedings. The following documents are required:
- A fully formulated scientific article based on our template. Please note the formatting requirements in the respective templates. Failure to do so may result in the article being excluded from the conference proceedings.
- Maximum length for accepted presentations is 12 pages.
- The maximum length for accepted lightning talks and posters is 5 pages.
- Declaration of consent for publication in the heiBOOKS publishing house of Heidelberg University Library. Please select the licence ‘CC-BY-SA’ in the declaration of consent - if there are no objections from your side - so that the conference proceedings can be published under a licence that is as free and uniform as possible. The declaration of consent must be signed by all authors of the contribution.
Note for authors of approved contributions: You will now find two entries per submitted paper in our conference management programme under ‘Submissions’ (abstract and manuscript):
- (a) the submission of the abstract (ID XXX), which contains the review information from the first evaluation process.
- (b) a copy for processing the manuscript (ID 1XXX), which contains the review information from the second evaluation step (after uploading the manuscript) and which is linked in the programme. Please use the link ‘Upload file(s)’ in this entry to upload the two documents (see above).
After a review phase, the contributions will be published via heiBOOKS (see e.g. the proceedings of the E-Science-Tage 2023).
Poster publication in heiDOK
We encourage you to publish your poster after the conference. We collect all published posters of the conference in a collection in heiDOK. If you want to publish your poster, you have the following options:
- First publication via heiDOK: If you would like to publish your poster as a first publication in this collection, please send us a declaration of consent for publication and an abstract of your poster by 21 March 2025 at the latest.
- Second publication via heiDOK: you are free to publish your poster on another platform. In this case, please note that a Creative Commons license should be used so that an uncomplicated secondary publication via heiDOK will be possible and a complete collection of the published posters of the conference can be realized.

Important dates
Please note that the deadline for submission will not be extended!
- 31.03.2025: Deadline for submission of the first written draft of the manuscript.
- 31.03.2025: Submission deadline for the publication of the poster in the heiDOK repository (by email to e-science-tage@uni-heidelberg.de)
- 30.04.2025: Feedback from the reviewers on the written elaborations. Subsequently, possibility to implement this feedback.
- 31.05.2025: Submission deadline for the final version of the written papers.
Pictures: Freepik, Smashicons. Translation: deepl