Thank you for your interest in our conference!
Dear researchers and all who are interested in research data management and open science,
Your ideas and projects are requested for the next iteration of the E-Science-Tage! We are looking for research-oriented contributions as well as best-practice examples and case studies, that fit the conference motto "Research Data Management: Challenges in a Changing World" and ideally deal with the following topics:
Data archiving, reproducibility and reusability
Data publication and Open Science
Data formats and standards
Data law, data protection, data ethics and data security
Quality assurance
Specific and generic RDM tools
Institutional approaches
Artificial Intelligence
The following applies to all contributions:
All submitted contributions will be evaluated by our reviewers for their topicality and thematic relevance. The review is anonymous, therefore the authorship should not be indicated in the abstract file.
Papers can be submitted and presented in either German or English.
At least one author of an accepted paper should attend the conference to present their work.
- Maximum number of words for the abstract: 500
Important dates: Please note that the deadline for submission will not be extended!
- September 15, 2024: Submission deadline for workshop abstracts
- September 30, 2024: Submission deadline for all other abstracts (presentations, lightning talks, posters)
Outlook and further important dates:
- 15.10.2024: Decision on the acceptance for workshops
- 15.12.2024: Decision on acceptance of presentations, lightning talks and posters.
- 12.03.2025 - 14.03.2025: Conference takes place in Heidelberg.
- 31.03.2025: Deadline for submission of written contributions: we offer to publish the accepted contributions as articles in the conference proceedings.
- 31.03.2025: Deadline for the publication of posters.
- 30.04.2025: Feedback from reviewers for written elaboration. Subsequently possibility for authors to implement this feedback.
- 31.05.2025: Submission deadline for the final version of the written paper.
Please note that the conference is a German event. Authors are free to present papers in English, but experience shows that a significant proportion of the papers will be presented in German.
Submit your contribution now and participate in one of the leading conferences in research data management in Germany!
Link to the conference tool

Step 1: Registration and submission of the abstract
To submit your abstract, you must first create an account in our conference tool first create an account. Once you have created the account, you can upload your abstract as text (maximum of 500 words).

Step 2: Selecting the format
Please select your desired contribution format depending on length and topic:
Präsentation: If accepted, contributors will be invited to the conference for a 20-minute presentation (15-minute talk and 5-minute question and answer session). As authors, you can choose whether to give your presentation alone or as a “tandem talk”. Tandem talks are joint presentations by infrastructure managers, scientists and/or cooperation partners from the business world that examine concepts, developments and services on the one hand and needs and benefits from this cooperation on the other. This format has a high degree of interactivity and is aimed more at discussions by presenting two (or more) points of view on a topic by at least two interacting authors.
Lightning Talk: Lightning talks are short presentations that are thematically based on the motto of the conference. Each lightning talk has a 6-minute slot (4-5 minutes of presentation and 1-2 minutes of questions).
Poster: Authors of accepted papers are invited to present their posters in a poster session. Authors must bring their posters to the conference.
Workshop: Workshops offer space for the exchange of ideas about specific services, tools or projects. The focus is on the use and benefits for research. A workshop is scheduled for 90 minutes. Please note the earlier deadline (15.09.2024) for workshop submissions!
Note on the hybrid format of the conference: Participants who join online (via the stream) will have the opportunity to watch the presentations and ask questions (moderated). Lightning talks will be streamed online, but only questions from the audience on-site will be included. No streaming is planned for posters and workshops and no (real-time) interaction with the online audience will be possible.

Step 3: Publikation in the conference proceedings 2025
We offer to publish the accepted contributions as articles in the conference proceedings.
This requires a declaration of consent (signed by all authors), which you send to us after acceptance of the contribution. A template (Word, LaTeX) will also be published shortly, which must be used as a template. After a review phase, the contributions will be published via heiBOOKS (you can find the conference proceedings of the E-Science-Tage 2023 here).
- Presentations: Accepted contributions (regular presentations and tandem talks) can be written up into articles of a maximum of 12 pages.
- Lightning Talk: Accepted contributions as "Lightning Talk" can be written up into articles of a maximum of 5 pages.
- Poster: Accepted poster contributions can be written up into articles of a maximum of 5 pages.
Poster publication in heiDOK: You also have the option of subsequently publishing the poster as an open-access publication via the Heidelberg document server heiDOK (this also requires the consent of all authors, see above).
Important dates: Please note that the deadline for submission will not be extended!
- Deadline for submission of the first written draft of the manuscript: March 31, 2025
- Deadline for publication of the poster in the heiDOK repository: March 31, 2025 (By email to: